Designing Space Missions and Systems:

An Integrated Systems Engineering Approach

This course examines the entire space mission design and operations discipline. It is designed for systems engineers and project managers responsible for the detailed design and operation of space systems. Emphasizing a process-oriented approach, the course examines both spacecraft design and mission operations in depth. Interactive discussions presents practical spacecraft design using detailed concepts and tools to analyze and design the space segment required to support robotic missions, including architecture and configuration, payloads, and vehicle subsystems. Focus on mission operations include the functions to be performed, examine key issues, develop an operations concept, and assess complexity and cost of operations. Emphasis is placed on describing the interrelationships and tradeoffs between system design and mission operations. This is a hands-on course with a focus on applications. Design exercises are conducted to give first-hand experience with the techniques presented.

Course ID


Text Provided

Space Mission Analysis and Design


3-5 days


Experienced Systems Engineers

Project Managers

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